Articles, Press, and Blog
by Rebecca Gordon
Amanda Walsh Interviews Rebecca Gordon: A Cosmic Reset: Renaissance, Sci-Fi Movie, or Both?
Today is a big day. It is the first of 20 new moons in Aquarius which will ride alongside Pluto in Aquarius.
It is rare to have a New Moon so close to New Year’s Eve, so take full advantage of this brilliant new beginning. No more compromises on what is most dear to you. Plant your intentions with committed focus to your growth and be ready to take the action step.
Ikon Pass and Rebecca Gordon Astrology Collaborate on Curated Ski Destinations for Each Zodiac Sign
The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus, the planet of revolution, liberation and profound awakening. It’s clear that something must break down in order to evolve and regenerate in your life.
This Full Moon in Aries today is especially charged as it comes just before US elections.
Eclipses are here to awaken us from a sleep and put something directly in front of us which we cannot unsee. They upend the current order in our lives and this one is no exception.
The Full Moon in Capricorn this weekend lights up where you will need to release old narratives of working and productivity.
This Full Moon invites you to venture outside the lines of your previously known reality. Sagittarius as a zodiacal teacher is here to hold up a lantern, lighting the way for new roads of thought, adventure, and evolution.
This full Moon asks you to step fully into your power, to stand up for yourself where necessary, to take up space, and trust that you will breathe easier after.
Check out my latest CBS interview talking about the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024.
Today a lunar eclipse creates a rupture in the fabric of time and in the fabric of our lives. It creates a ‘hard stop’ to where your patterns can no longer repeat.
Today a New Moon breaks open your imagination and vision, asking you to dream deeper and begin to first internally inhabit the world you wish to live in.
Todays New Moon invites you to break open the vessel on your previous patterns and well worn ways.
One of the biggest shifts in this whole 20 year period happened. That was Pluto moving into Aquarius and this symbolizes a deep shift in the consciousness of our planet (as well as the fabric of our daily lives).
Tonight a Full Moon in Cancer lights up the skies, creating greater space for care, compassion and all of those loving things which you'd thought about though never said.
Sagittarius asks you to dream bigger, extending from the earthy foundations of Capricorn and reaching for a new brighter future.
Last month, this retreat served as an immersive exploration of our charts, combining creativity, magic, and self-discovery.
This Divinity Dinner was a captivating and intimate gathering. We infused art, astrology, divination, and culinary artistry into this exciting night.
Lets welcome in the sharp breeze, because this too, is part of nature and all of creation. When you say “no” to what has been, you’ve also sent a glowing invitation for new and better realities to emerge.
This full moon is in its home sign of Cancer so emotions will run deep and some will be unearthed. As this happens, you will have the opportunity to review ‘your story’ as it will resurface.
I recently wrote an astrology piece for Harper’s Bazaar on the Year Ahead By Zodiac Sign.
A new quality of light will be felt. The Sun radiates light and light encodes information so in this fated meeting and Sun and Moon, you will experience a checkpoint for your future evolution.
Eclipses are those fated times of year when it seems like all time gets collapsed into one telling moment. They are like portals that will catapult you forward if you allow.
This Full Moon shines today as a symbol of breakdown for what has been an ongoing unsustainable cycle of pressure
Recently, I have been working with various amenity companies in New York and sharing Astrology with their residents.
This new moon in Leo sends a friendly angle to Mars in Aries, propelling you into decisive action.
Ask questions and understand how you got to where you did if there is anything that seems to be opposing you right now in your life.
We are now entering the last eclipse of this season which appropriately lands on the birthday of the USA.
This solar eclipse will mark a fresh start as it falls on the cardinal axis of 0 degrees Cancer.
This Lunar Eclipse lights up the axis of communication and belief (Gemini-Sagittarius) while also squaring to Mars, planet of aggression.
We are officially in eclipse season and this New Moon in Gemini will bring the cool breeze announcing your new life chapter.
Venus Retrograde turns the clock back to ask you to check yourself and make sure you are living in alignment with your absolute truth in love and that your life reflects your true values.
Tonight’s full moon in Scorpio will bring any deep seated matters to the surface for clearing.
Uranus conjuncts the Sun today and this is about crushing your previous beliefs, values, and all cultural assumptions.
Let’s welcome in this Taurus New Moon which happens to conjunct the planet of revolution (Uranus).
In my latest piece for Harpar’s Bazaar, I share cosmic coping strategies suited to your stars.
This Full Moon speaks to our societal need for community as Libra rules love and connection.
When these two planets align every 13 years, monumental shifts happen here on planet earth.
I recently contributed to a piece for Romper on activities for children during quarantine based on sign.
We talked about about the path to becoming an astrologer, what the cosmic life looks like, some handy tips and much more.
For those with Aquarius sun and rising, here's a sneak peak of your 2020 forecast, an article by Romper I was featured in recently.
We are deep in Eclipse Season which means that your life is likely about to go through a transformation over the next month.
The Financial Times’ Lilah Raptopoulos and Griselda Murray Brown interviewed me last month for the Culture Call podcast series on why astrology is thriving in 2019.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAGITTARIUS! Your year will kick off with a solar eclipse in your sector of new business and money.
The last New Moon of Jupiter in Sagittarius will light up the skies this morning, opening a new portal of potential in your life.
This Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio unveiled more underhanded dealings which Trump attempted to keep under wraps. Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio are notorious for revealing secrets.
This will be an opportunity to break from the old safe patterns and step into that which is unknown. Find out what it means for your sign here.
Astrology is having a moment now (and perhaps forever). Recently ‘The New Yorker’ interviewed me at my apartment for this story.
Are you feeling the Full Moon? Your instincts will be strong as Aries is the first fire sign of our zodiac. Trust them and act swiftly.
Venus ventures into the underworld today. The love languages and codes are now changing as she travels into deeper and darker spaces.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBRA! This will be an excellent year to move - maybe across the country, to a new country or into your bright dream home.
It is time to look at your partnership in a new way as a New Moon in Libra - the sign of partnerships - will grace the skies.
Eclipses have been lighting up your axis of true love since the year began so likely your love life has been through a 180 already since January. True?
Time to refocus your energy from the summer of Leo as much of the solar system will finally stabilize in earth signs. Back to work is right, though in a new and improved way.
In the heat of this fiery summer sky, there is a Full Moon in the cool air sign of Aquarius (the opposite of Leo) which will ask you to draw your attention to the collective you are a part of and to act in the best interest of it.
Hello sun Queens & Kings. Lets look at your year ahead... It kicks off with a luscious new moon in Leo setting a rhythm of creative expression and more love for your new solar year.
Let’s welcome in this juicy New Moon - who just happens to be adored between amorous Venus and Mars in the sky. It’s time to dry off by the fire after those eclipses and mercury Rx. You are now peering into a new chapter that has absolutely nothing to do with your last 3 months.
There sure are a lot of things to think about when you’re about to have a baby. At the top of the list is the obligatory “happy and healthy”, along with counting those ten little fingers and ten little toys. You might even wonder what your little one will look like, and what genes and traits he or she will inherit. But what about astrological signs?
For the next 3 weeks, focus on clearing out old ways, patterns, and ways of relating you have since outgrown.
You have a big year ahead babe, kicking off with a solar eclipse in your own sign. It’s total rebirth for you this year!
If you're a fire sign—I'm talking to you, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—you're known for having a fiery personality because...duh. But there's so much more to fire signs than just being hot, hot, hot...
While your Sun is the part of you that everyone sees in the world – your personality, your Moon sign is more hidden as it rules your emotions and your subconscious.
Tonight this Full Moon in Cancer will ask you to release any old stories, emotions that are not serving you. And this will be easy as Full Moons always are times of a more effortless letting go... Cancer rules the emotional body and the collective unconscious.
The surging interest in celestial observations and zodiac signs have given rise to a renewed sense of self-expression and spirituality.
Thought things were starting to slow down? Think again! November has been jam-packed from an astrological perspective.
3 times a year Mercury goes Rx and this is a good thing. Here’s why... It’s like the universe telling us to slow down and RETHINK your life direction before charging ahead. This is key as it will keep you in alignment with your truth & soul intent.
It's time for a real fresh start. This New Moon is full of pure life-force energy asking you to stand in your power.
The days between now and Oct. 31 will be filled with electricity in the air. Deep changes within your psyche and outer world will be inevitable.
Take your cue from the stars for some decorating inspo – no, not the Hollywood celebrity type but your zodiac.
This has not been the easiest Libra Season so I have neglected to post anything fluffy or lovey. Ok, do I ever.
Little did I know that astrology would have such a profound impact on not only my personal life but my professional life, too.
It seems like just about everyone is an astrologer these days with trends like tracking the moon at an all-time high. If you haven’t heard the phrase, “The moon is in retrograde” you have likely been living under a rock for the past year.
Were you trying to actually get work done this Summer, or rather get anything done? With planets finally direct, it’s all forward motion from here on out.
Annnd the Virgo Season begins! Here’s 4 tips to amplify your inner Virgo to slay this next 30 days ⚡️ Our queen of the harvest will adore you.
Wish you a bright and graceful Eclipse Week. This is about turning on the lights where there was never electricity before. Step into your power babe!
Medical Mantras for each Sign. Read for your Sun, Rising and Mars sign. Medical Astrology Class Sign-up closes August 16.
Top Sante - a british magazine, just interviewed me on the connection between your health and your stars. They found our book, ‘Your Body and the Stars’ in London and then called me for a chat on it. Hope you enjoy.
Make sure to read for your Sun and Rising sign here in this summer love guide I just wrote for Harper’s Bazaar.
How can you become a better listener and a stronger communicator? Because Mercury, (Gemini's Ruler) will be in the sign of Cancer, your communication style this month should be more listening then speaking and piercing the surface to connect on a deeper level in the Cancerian waters.
It was such an honor to return to the Dr.Oz show for the 3rd time talking about the connection between your physical health and your zodiac sign. I explain that all of the signs exist within each of us no matter what your 'sun sign' is. When a part of our body feels out of balance, we can look to the qualities of that sign to see what area of our life needs to be addressed. And also, you can take preventive health measures by simply strengthening the areas of your body related to certain signs in your astrological chart.
Each member of our Zodiac will have a unique message for this next 7 year chapter as Uranus will occupy a new area of your sky map starting May 15.
The Full Moon in Scorpio is a lantern you hold to Light your way through this crossroads in life . A re-alignment with your life purpose will be necessary as the full moon angles the karmic nodes…
Our Inside/Out resident astrologer Rebecca Gordon takes us on a 2018 tour of the Zodiac, sign by sign and theme by theme.
The New York Times just mentioned my practice and quoted me in this piece about the role of astrology in today's world. It is in Saturdays paper in print as well. Thank you Alexandra Levine for the fantastic work on this.
Tonight the New Moon in Libra will expose the imbalance in your relationship, revealing the abuse that was swept under the rug. For years, centuries and millennia, we have ignored and kept hush about these traumas that have somehow become commonplace.
On October 10th, Jupiter our planet of luck and expansion, entered the sign of Scorpio. So obviously this will be magnificent if you are a Scorpio. Though perhaps you’re not. Still, Jupiter in Scorpio brings a cornucopia of luck and glimmering potential to some aspect of your life. Get the scoop on what Jupiter in Scorpio will mean for you.
Each sign has a unique message for this Harvest Moon. Read on to see what’s in store for you.
A Panel discussion about translation of light, the impact & meaning of color, energetic signature and more.
The New Moon in Virgo will arrive on September 20 and invites you to focus on your unique super power. Own it. Then begin to clear out all of the things from your life that pull you away from that. Strategize, scale and make your life more efficient so you can simply do what you do best.
From color, to style, texture and moon - here's a quick-guide to decorating that I just published with Vogue.
Today as Mercury enters it's home sign Virgo, and the Moon enters Taurus, we are finally landing from all the wild eclipse energy of August. There is no better time than the present to dry off, and step with one foot in front of the other into your new direction that is finally coming into a clear focus. Gotta Love Mercury Direct.
I loved talking to Alison Beckner, founder of Inside/Out Paris for this interview. She asked me stellar questions and we had fun in the process. Best way to do anything!
Detroit free Press Interviews me and other prominent astrologers about the upcoming Eclipse, historical cycles, and the future of our nation.
On August 21, 2017, a solar eclipse will occur on the exact point in the sky as the star Regulus. This brings into sharp relief the strange destiny of Donald Trump.
Eclipse Season means that change is inevitable and once you that take a leap of courage, your previous reality will soon dissolve. If you hesitate and hold fast to the past, the rug will be pulled from beneath anyway. So change is a non-negotiable and usually a good thing during this time of year...
We're live with BAZAAR's resident astrologer Rebecca Gordon, of My Path Astrology, who has your outlook for the month of March + Venus is in retrograde.
We talk about whats in store for Oscar Nominees in the year ahead and how their chances at winning look for Feb 26 (the Solar Eclipse in Pisces)! In photo, Bette Davis winning the Oscar for best actress in Jezebel 1939.
Dr. Oz invited me to his show to speak on the connection between astrology and health. He also features our book 'Your Body and the Stars'. Loved being on the show! See the full episode here.
Here is a Cosmic Plant Power guide for 2017 that I created for itsplantporn - one of my favorite sites these days! Each sign has a horoscope and a power plant.
Astrology is the language of energy and when our passion planets change sign, so does the love language. Find out what the November Stars will say about your love life here.
Jupiter entered Libra in September, though the planet of luck just made a grand entrance on October 1 flanked by the Sun and Moon, initiating his year long stay in the sign of 'partnerships'. From Biz, to Fashion to Love and each Zodiac sign, find out what Jupiter in Libra will bring.
Sure, we are all made from stardust, though very different kinds of it, as we are all a different sign of the zodiac with a totally different birth chart. So here is a stellar work-out guide tailored for you and your Zodiac sign.
New Moons, Full Moons, Best days and what to watch out for all in the month of October - video shot at the Hearst Tower with Harper's Bazaar. Love that we have a Moon in Scorpio for Halloween!
A fun Interview with the Fashion Astrology Magazine 'Star Sign Style' . We chat on how I became an astrologer and the co-creation of this book 'Your Body and the Stars'
By surrounding yourself with certain plants in your home and garden, you can in fact conjure in the planetary energy to change your life in a desired way. One simple way is
I grew up learning astrology with my step-mother, and I simply could not get enough. As soon as I opened my first book on the subject, I knew that this was going to change my life in a profound way. Here was a timeless and symbolic language that seemed to describe all the happenings in our lives.
What's your Wedding Style? {a piece I wrote for InStyle}. Though I do think your Sun sign, Venus and rising sign all factor when it comes to stylistic decisions.
September Stars! See what this month has in store for you - Eclipse Season, Mercury Retrograde and how rock this.
Eclipses are masterful at cleaning house in your life, your work, and your relationships, as they have a way of directly addressing what is not in harmony with your Truth. They are famous for pushing you out of ruts that you didn’t even know were ruts.
Horoscopes for the month of August shot at the Hearst Tower, August 2nd and 2:00pm, just before the New Moon!
In honor of National Lipstick Day, we enlisted the help of Astrologer Rebecca Gordon, founder of My Path Astrology and a pro who filled us in on the best lipstick shades and finishes for each sign.
The initial 'partner eclipse' will occur mid-August and this will punctuate the breaking or making of a bond for you. If a relationship has been wavering, you seem to be getting the absolute clarity one way or the other. You must trust the way things 'land'
Ruled by the Moon, you are innately synced up to all cycles in nature, the ocean tides, and especially the different phases and signs of the Moon. Read on to find out what this year has in store for you.
Discover here what the June Stars will say about you! I go through all the good days & bad days of the month, and then check out my video horoscope for each sign!
Eclipses will strike at the top and bottom of your chart in 2016 – showing that you are due for a massive shake-up in both areas of career and home and the pieces will all land in a very different place then they appear for you at this moment
![Book Talk at Harper's Bazaar [VIDEO] "Your Body & The Stars - Astrology](
Instead ask yourself “What else could this mean?” when everything seems to go 'wrong' this month.
Love will be your headliner this year. Being a Venus-ruled babe, you may be pleased to know that lucky Jupiter is now spending quality time in the area of your chart which rules romance, fertility and creativity. This happens every 12 years
Mercury is due to go retrograde at the start of the new year, from January 5 through January 25. Our 2016 resident astrologer, Rebecca Gordon, shares exactly what's in store for you here:
That’s it. It’s all yours - the scorpion belt buckle. Here in earth school, it’s been a tough 5 year Phd program
Get to know your Moon Sign - it's the other 1/2 of you. Western Astrology is quite Solar based though the Moon reveals stories of the soul, you day to day comfort levels and what your needs are in relationships.
Planets are teachers. I was talking with my friend Gabby last week about how such regular cosmic happenings like say, a retrograde have often turned into 'freak out and
It all comes back to the fact the Universe just wants you to be you. And all of these transits are nudging you towards that evolution...
September 2015 is a month brimming with arousing quality and energy for Scorpions.
Eclipse Season is a sacred time of Year as the seeds of change will be ripe for flipping the script in your life. A Solar Eclipse is
Choices you made over the last 2 months regarding love may well seem strange to you now. The fog lifts today, at last. #Venus goes #direct ! Certainly something
Text from the ex? That's not all #VenusRx is about. #TripleCheck everything darlings. Going away for the weekend? Make sure
Find out What August is all about & Venus Retrograde! Blast from the past?
Hello Stardust Beauties! Here's an Update on July Summer Skies and what this all means for YOU. Listen for your Sun Sign and Rising
Astrologer Rebecca Gordon, founder of My Path Astrology in New York, and Austin, Texas-based licensed esthetician Shawn Duss share how to use the starry philosophy to optimize your skin care.
Astrologer Rebecca Gordon, founder of My Path Astrology in New York, and Austin, Texas-based licensed esthetician Shawn Duss share how to use the starry philosophy to optimize your skin care.
May will beckon for you to put on the brakes and take in the scenery. Not your usual MO? This month is full of signs and signals that you must slow down enough in order to get ...
This eclipse is about reclaiming your emergence from the womb. Your right to be here on the planet, right here and now. It is time to emerge, stand up and dry off. Happy Solar Eclipse in Pisces!
While your extremely adept on managing a budget, the last few weeks may have thrown you for a financial surprise. With a little back tracking you’ll get your numbers back in order though remember that sometime we must leave room for ‘chance’.
You are a pure representation of the spirit and flesh of your birth moment in Cosmos (energy) translated into matter. When we begin to sync our physical bodies with what our spirit desires, we then align with our life path. The chart is the intent of incarnation - the desire of spirit - the path. However, you can walk it any way you choose. Astrology is about your realm of possibility ...