September Horoscopes & Virgo Birthday Package [Harper's Bazaar]
Your September Horoscope
Rebecca Gordon of MyPathAstrology shares insight into the month ahead and eclipse Season. Join Rebecca's Free Webinar on 'The Astrology of Relationships.' Reserve your spot here.
Eclipses are masterful at cleaning house in your life, your work, and your relationships, as they have a way of directly addressing what is not in harmony with your truth. These potent lunations are famous for pushing you out of ruts that you didn't even know were ruts. Eclipse Season (the glow around September 2016) will act as a karmic expediter. It is a sacred time of year where the Sun and the Moon join up in a rare alignment, one that marks a sudden shift in patterns.This precious time acts as a portal for you to transform your life in a profound and lasting way.
So here's how to ride the cosmic wave and thrive!
You last year has been filled to the brim with sparkling opportunities as Jupiter has been glamping it up in Virgo. Is too much enough? Sometimes, yes. And now Jupiter, the planet of abundance will move on into your money sector where you will finally begin to monetize from all of last years' growth and expanded efforts. September 26 will be an extra special golden day as Jupiter meets up with the Sun in your money sector โ perhaps revealing a new career opportunity to take your business to the next level and rank. Saturn will remain at the base of your chart urging you to get serious about buying property and as well taking family commitments more seriously. In order to do so, you will need to focus on the infrastructure of your life and make sure that there is a well-built solid foundation to grow from, as you can expect expedited growth on the financial fronts. This trend will kick off in early October with a most auspicious New Moon. Late December, there also appears to be a sudden new opportunity to explore for your business which may involve travel and publishing. Now December may as well be a time when you decide to commit to a new home and if you do, there is a mark of longevity here as Saturn fortifies this decision. An eclipse on February 26 will open the doors to marriage and commitment and this idea will remain a theme in your life for 2017. International travel looks divine in April, though make sure to be back by late May because a business opportunity will arise for you to scale a greater reach and expand revenues. This will also be a time to check-in and ask yourself where you feel most called to in life and re-align aspects of your life with that cause. As you can see, this is a potent year as the Eclipses will move through Virgo updating your entire landscape.
You are up for a total upgrade of health and lifestyle this year. With the angles to Saturn and Neptune, it appears that you will first need to questions the authority advice on what has been an ongoing health concern. There is also a habit to break and you likely know what this is. On another note, the planet of luck, Jupiter aligns with the Sun on September 26, bringing stellar news about a meaningful relationship.
Are you ready to be in love? The Cosmos say, yes. Thinking of having a baby? Yes is the way here too. The only thing in the way is perhaps โ your fears, judging by Saturn's position. Though that is only natural. Take time to reflect on this as Mercury will be Retrograde all month. On September 18, your planetary ruler Venus will oppose the game-changer planet, Uranus and you will want to redefine your roles in this relationship before moving ahead.
It will be time to re-imagine your living space as it seems you have grown out of the current abode. Where do you envision yourself and what will it take to get there? Time to raise the roof literally and metaphorically. Your career comes into a stark focus on the Lunar Eclipse on September 16 and the spotlight will shine on you. However you will need to choose one path and let another go then as well. However, wait until Mercury goes direct on Sept. 22 to sign any leases or new business contracts.
A spark of a new idea will lay the foundations for your year to come. Perhaps it is a book idea, a column to write, a class to teach or maybe you attend a class for new wisdom under your belt. September 26, a most auspicious day, will be an ideal time to launch this new project, have a meeting regarding it, or sign a contract. Under the auspices of Jupiter, what you begin then, will bring glowing opportunity down the road.
This is a year to up the cash flow for your creative out-put and the trend begins now as Eclipses will light up your financial axis. The other half of this equation is that you will need to eclipse out the old money story you have been rolling with for the last 19 years. Perhaps it is a glass ceiling you have imposed, ancestral money stories or limiting beliefs about what is possible. Whatever this may be, a brighter future is in store for you as you enter a realm of greater possibility and wealth.
The Solar Eclipse in Virgo makes you the shining star of the zodiac this year meaning you will be emerging from the chrysalis and totally reinventing yourself. This is your time to shed skins and stories of the past, and move into a more refined and pure version of you. The year 1998 and events that circled that time will now come up for a revision and upgrade. The lunar eclipse mid-month will clarify a relationship and present a decisive moment for you to leave the old story in love and commit to growth.
After the last 5 years of constant, perhaps hectic change, you are up for a well-deserved R&R year. This will be a year of creating new healthy routines that will last you many years to come. Eclipses lighting up the health and wellness sectors will urge you to spa or lay in a hammock and simply let the stresses wash away. Mind-body health patterns you create now will be your bff for years to come and also the habits you ditch now (around the Lunar Eclipse Sept 16) will also stay away, thankfully.
September will be an uncharacteristically social month for you. Eclipse Season heightens the magnitude of all life events so do take seriously the invitation that arrives in your inbox or perhaps the engraved one in your mailbox. It appears that you will build an important relationship and affiliation with a larger group. Think of this as a year to 'remember who you are' and align with the communities and initiatives that you deem meaningful. On another note, the lunar eclipse Sept 16 will light up your house of 'true love' turning the bright lights on and letting truth resound.
As Saturn has been in Sagittarius for the last year, it's likely felt like serious heavy lifting on the job and perhaps you have not seen much reward yet. This Solar Eclipse on Sept. 1 will successfully reverse that story as eclipses tend to flip the script. Fast. Your homework? Take a step back from carrying the heavy load and re-imagine where you may be most happy in career. It may well be that the path you began back in 1998 or 2007 is up for a re-visit and upgrade. Though wait till after the retrograde on September 22 for any big sign offs.
A stellar career opportunity seems to pop up around September 26 as Jupiter and the Sun meet up for a special rendezvous in the public arena of your chart. Chance favors the prepared so be present and open at all times. This is all building up to the lovely 5 star business building month of October. That said, let's work backwards โ September will ask you to spread your wings and explore classes outside of your industry, travel and get inspired from unexpected places. This will all feed your new venture which may be in film, production or publishing.
As Mercury will be Retrograde through your financial sector along with the Eclipses moving through, you are certainly up for a new outlook on your money and perhaps a refinance. Check out all your monthly expenses and seriously edit. You will be so glad you did. At the same time you will be ready to eclipse out the old ways of earning that are simply not efficient anymore. Release what no longer serves you to make room for the new ways of doing business.
Partnership will be a major theme for you this year and this special trend will kick off in September with a Solar Eclipse. Already committed? Then perhaps you redefine the relationship and redefine your role in it. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will point to the fact that it's time to let go of your story in love and relationships. It seems like you are the one who is changing a lot and your desires in relationship are shifting as well. Take time out to consider commitment and truly open yourself to a magnificent possibility this year.