Pluto Enters Aquarius & What it Means for You



JANUARY 2024 - 2043

One of the biggest shifts in this whole 20 year period happened. That was Pluto moving into Aquarius and this symbolizes a deep shift in the consciousness of our planet (as well as the fabric of our daily lives). Pluto has not been in Aquarius since the American and French revolutions and the changes over the next 20 years will match.

The radio station just changed and we will be on this new Pluto in Aquarius channel for the next 20 years. Pluto's sign represents what we desire, what we subconsciously seek out, what we loathe, what we love, what we vilify, and ultimately Pluto's new sign of Aquarius will show us what will happen in the next 20 years.

We are the architects co-creating this world with our collective ideas and actions, and now ideas will have more power than ever before as Pluto moved from and earth sign (Capricorn) to an air sign (Aquarius). Air rules the power of the mind and ideas. We are leaving the Pluto in (earth) Capricorn era which marked the wars over coal, oil, and all substances held inside the earth... It was also the era where large corporations assumed positions of more power than ever before and mega billionaires were made. This last 20 years created a chasm larger than we have ever seen as the earthy tall mountains of Capricorn became the opus. Now it is no longer a rush to the bloated lonely place at the top of the mountain, though instead the winds signal that story has reached it's finality. Now it is โ€œpower to the peopleโ€.

This is why Aquarius comes after Capricorn. Aquarius is here to level the playing field, create greater equanimity and put the power back in the people's hands (Aquarius rules the people where Capricorn rules big business). Instead of mining the earth, we will start mining the mind. In this next 20 year period, we will learn how thoughts travel in the unified field, we will explore telepathy, intuition, the power of changing brain wave states, and so much more to move energy.

We will learn how to gain agency over our own mind and impact the world by using the power of our minds. We will explore all energy sources that derive from air versus earth, space travel, ET communications, and of course - the rise of Artificial Intelligence. This will bring up ethical and philosophical questions like what is the role of humans on this planet and what will we do if AI does assume many jobs. Are you ready for this? In order to prepare, we can first start to consider what does it mean to reclaim our minds and are we simply here to be keepers and custodians of the planet we reside upon.

 We are bound to see the extremes as well as the dark underbelly of what exists in the sign Pluto resides, so as Pluto moves through Aquarius we do need to watch out for various forms of 'mind control' as we are also learning how to fine tune our minds in new innovative ways. Aquarius rules the untapped power of the mind. We are realizing that the mind is a powerful instrument and we must reclaim it's true potential.

Based on your rising sign and sun sign, Pluto will be influencing your life in a unique way for the next 20 years as it occupies a new part of your birth chart. The area of your chart that will be activated by Pluto shows where you will be able to embrace and reclaim your true power. It shows where your will embody the raw, unapologetic, primal truth and nothing else will suffice. Where Pluto is in your chart now indicates where you will be capable of the deepest transformations and catharsis - where you will rise up from the ashes and begin anew.

Read for Your Sun & Rising Sign

(applies for next 20 years)

Aries - You are now ready to claim your vision for an ideal life and step into your power as you co-create this world with your aligned community.

Taurus - There is a crown that awaits in the heights of your worldly achievements, though your mission will demand you to trust and let go of the previous structure.

Gemini - Your previous world view and beliefs have taken you thus far in life, though if you want to truly grow to new heights, a new perspective on life is essential.

Cancer - You will be asked to become more real and raw with yourself and your true desires, to open up fully and be vulnerable. Pluto will open you up to new forms of trust.

Leo - Relationships will no longer enter your realm unless they fit the criteria of your true soul desires. This means bonds will break and form according to your truth.

Virgo - Take control of your daily routines and the fabric of your days as this creates your state of health. If you want to serve your community, serve your body to promote health.

Libra - Tap into your deep wells within your heart where undeniable emotions will express. True love reveals and this can also break down what is not. Your creativity unlocks.

Scorpio - Ancestral patterns must be seen and cleared in your next era. As your root system strengthens, your actual place of residence will evolve into vast new potentials.

Sagittarius - Your mind is the architect of your world and this becomes clearer than ever. Change your thoughts, and your world will reshape itself. Choose your thoughts wisely.

Capricorn - You must release the grip on perceived control in order to open to true prosperity. Your finances will grow when you release the ego attachment to an old outcome.

Aquarius - You are housing the God of change for the next 20 years. You will be stepping into your power in unimaginable ways, though first you must release the grip on your old self

Pisces - You will be coming into contact with your unconscious desires and the unseen world. Become a master at seeing in the dark and trust your intuition completely.

Book an astrology reading with Rebecca or the RGA Network here.