Full Moon Lunar Eclipse At 5° Libra
MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 | 3:00 AM ET
The Importance of Creating a Vacuum - Eclipse Essentials
The Importance of Creating a Vacuum - Eclipse Essentials
Today a lunar eclipse creates a rupture in the fabric of time and in the fabric of our lives. It creates a ‘hard stop’ to where your patterns can no longer repeat. Even though the eclipse lasts only minutes, its impacts will reverberate through all of 2024 and beyond as it has the power of 100 Full Moons all rolled into one. Depending on your birth date, the area of life affected will be different. Wherever this Lunar Eclipse casts its light is where you must create a void. If there is no emptiness, there will be no new life. An empty womb must be present before a birth. A hollow of silence must be present in your life if you wish to invite in a new experience.
Today's Lunar Eclipse is here to sweep clean one area of your life so that you can align with your true potential. If you have not yet carved out space, consider what in your life used to feel safe and comfortable though now feels stunting. Perhaps it’s still giving you a sense of safety though your heart knows, this chapter is ending and your soul has moved on. Because this Eclipse is in Libra (the sign of relating), you will be asked to review all relationships and rise up to new and improved patterns. Though first you must create a void.
We are all naturally afraid to create a vacuum as we fear it will never be filled. though an absolute void is vital here in Eclipse season and you must trust the emptiness. New, and more aligned opportunities will soon fill this space.
Pay special attention to the kinds of invitations that fly in your window, to the conversations happening, and pay even more attention to where the doors which are closing. There is a well that used to provide sustenance and strength and has now since dried out. A cosmic door is now being shut and you must resist the instinct to try to pry it open. It will not work because that story has run its course and the well has been shut. Now you must trust in the new seeds that will birth from the vacuum you create.
We as humans are wired to be afraid of change so we tend to hold on to old thoughts, emotions, routines, relationships, jobs, and habits way past their expiration date. A lunar Eclipse is the universe's way of waking us up to these places where our grip on reality has become mindless and numb - where we blindly follow our well-worn ruts and routines, even though our soul is calling us to step up to our evolutionary potential. This is correction time.
Events that happened in March of 1988 and March of 2006 will circle back around right now as they link to the piano keys of March 2024. This is called a Saros cycle as every 18 years, the same keys harmonize. Remember the people who entered the scene, remember the opportunities, and how you responded. Now you will see a similar theme and you can respond differently if you choose. Lunar Eclipse Saros Series 113 weaves time spanning from the year 888 all the way to 2150. The DNA etched in of the 888 Eclipse which still runs strong is a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus and oppose Pluto. This sets the tone so we can expect a stark departure as you have grown so much since 2006 and now your mind and body must catch up to where your soul is evolving. This will require you to TRUST in the emptiness so that some bright new reality can begin to seed. Perhaps emptiness is essential and we are needing to trust in the void and silence.
Read for your Sun & Rising Signs
Aries - A relationship must break open and get real. Let go and trust because the space you create will be a glowing invitation for new realities.
Taurus - Long-time patterns of body and mind have contributed to a physical condition. Answers will illuminate as you change the radio station and resolution begins.
Gemini - Love will be revealed or released as you open your heart to a greater expanse of what is actually possible.
Cancer - You will need to release a lineage pattern in order to step into your true calling. There will be healing and expansion as you break free from (self) imposed blocks.
Leo -Making a course correction is necessary at times, and now you must shift your gaze and say yes to that new and even scary opportunity full of unknowns.
Virgo - As you awaken to your values which have changed a lot since 2006, you will be asked to release an older business model for one in favor of what's aligned with your current values.
Libra - You are the one that is changing deeply with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This change of heart will impact all relationships in your life and you must be truthful.
Scorpio - Time to enter the basement and dark corners of the mind to clear the webs and the way. You are invited to release a subconscious pattern and free up your life.
Sagittarius - What do you desire out of life? Get real with your dreams as now you will be asked to take up space, own your vision and ask for support.
Capricorn - A career chapter has ended and that door is now closed. Take this time to explore what dreams arise from the emptiness as you will now rise up with a new view.
Aquarius - You are graduating from student to teacher. Explore new media and ways to share your message with the world.
Pisces - You are in the power seat with four planets in your sign. That said you will be asked to let go of something which has given you security and you will be supported in this.
“Whether it’s a personal reading, taking an astrology class, or spending time on a retreat with Rebecca Gordon, you will be forever transformed and see your life through a different lens. Rebecca is a gifted and highly engaging teacher who guides you through understanding astrology with grace and ease. That understanding in turn leads to greater compassion for yourself and others. Rebecca is also a wonderful connector and I’m grateful for such beautiful friendships and inspiring students I have met through studying with Rebecca Gordon over the years.”
“After having read Rebecca Gordon’s book, Your Body and the Stars, I knew it was important to go deeper into studying how the zodiac sign influences health. This class isn’t just for those interested in medical practice, it’s suitable for everyone who also want to be more attuned to their bodies. We were treated to fun and informative sessions on going through our natal charts and watching out for potential health issues, as well as identifying some alignments that could affect the health.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Astrology of Relationships class. Rebecca is a gifted astrologer with a creative and unique voice. She introduced me to new techniques and added layers to my understanding of synastry. Her distinctive take on the waltz between the sun and moon in relationships provided a fresh new perspective for my understanding of aspects in relationships. There is a Facebook group to connect with your fellow students. I love that all her classes are live and interactive.”
“After studying astrology for over 20 years to then becoming professional the last few years, I am a great believer in continuing development. Through studying and learning from many teachers, I have followed Rebecca for the last two years.
Specialising In Medical Astrology I loved her Health and Wellness course, there was so much information which gave me a deeper understanding of how to bring in the ecosystem.
I would highly recommend this class even if you are not an Astrologer you will still benefit from this class.”
“I have taken two full courses and countless workshops and private sessions with Rebecca. She is undoubtedly a master of her craft and a true mentor for her students. I live in gratitude to her for the rich knowledge she has equipped me in understanding myself and in helping others learn about themselves through astrology.”
“I met Rebecca years ago at a workshop she was teaching. I was immediately drawn to the lightness and life that she brings to the ancient art of astrology - she makes it so accessible and fun, without sacrificing any of its depth and life-changing potential. It’s been such a joy to be in her astrology school. I’ve gained a much deeper understanding of myself, and seen how we are all “wired” really differently, based on studies of natal charts. This has helped me to be much more patient and understanding with my friends and family ;) And, the class really feels like a true spiritual community: supportive, intimate and inspiring. I will miss our weekly gatherings!”