Let’s welcome in this juicy New Moon - who just happens to be adored between amorous Venus and Mars in the sky. It’s time to dry off by the fire after those eclipses and mercury Rx. You are now peering into a new chapter that has absolutely nothing to do with your last 3 months.
Read MoreThere sure are a lot of things to think about when you’re about to have a baby. At the top of the list is the obligatory “happy and healthy”, along with counting those ten little fingers and ten little toys. You might even wonder what your little one will look like, and what genes and traits he or she will inherit. But what about astrological signs?
Read MoreFor the next 3 weeks, focus on clearing out old ways, patterns, and ways of relating you have since outgrown.
Read MoreYou have a big year ahead babe, kicking off with a solar eclipse in your own sign. It’s total rebirth for you this year!
Read MoreSee what's in store for the upcoming Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse.
Read MoreIf you're a fire sign—I'm talking to you, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—you're known for having a fiery personality because...duh. But there's so much more to fire signs than just being hot, hot, hot...
Read MoreWhile your Sun is the part of you that everyone sees in the world – your personality, your Moon sign is more hidden as it rules your emotions and your subconscious.
Read MoreNo one was angry when Facebook named products Moments, Poke, Slingshot or Portal. But the name Facebook gave its new cryptocurrency has upset some members of a very specific group: people born between September 23 and October 22.
Read MoreAfter a very challenging week in the skies with Mars oppose Saturn, we end on a high note as this Full Moon will urge you to open up new roads in your life, untapped potential and opportunity. Find out what this Full Moon will mean for you.
Read MoreFirst of all, any New Moon in Gemini is a time for us all to focus on the power of our words - both spoken and written. As Gemini rules communication, refine your message and how you communicate it to the world.
Read MoreFeeling that Scorpio Full Moon already? On May 18, the moon reaches it's culmination in Scorpio, bringing up what has been hidden from plain view.
Read MoreThe new moon in Taurus on May 5th will probably be the most auspicious moon of the year. I simply love it, as it will open new doors without any obstruction.
Read MoreIf you're anything like me, you've probably read up a good deal about your zodiac sign to better understand and work on your personality traits. Or, maybe you just like to occasionally skim through the newspaper's horoscope section to check out what the stars say is in store for you. But what if I told you that your star sign might also help you pick the best yoga pose for your body and mind?
Read MoreOn this last day of Aries I give you a cosmic look ahead.
Read MoreA Full Moon in Libra will reach its peak on Friday morning, culminating a chapter of your life and making way for a fresh start.
Read MoreThis morning an Aries New Moon will work with you to open new roads for the year to come. It's that time to set your sights on a brand new direction that will require you to take a certain kind of risk.
Read MoreIf you're the person your friends send all the astrology memes to and you're constantly hunting for more info beyond just your sun sign, it might be time to take your studies more seriously. Whether you consider yourself an expert or you're looking for astrology books for beginners, consider this your all-inclusive Astrology 101 syllabus.
Read MoreTonight’s full moon opposes Chiron - the sacred wound in all humanity.
Read MoreThis will be your year to set your visions high in career with a Jupiter spending time at the top of your chart.
Read MoreThis new moon is in the watery sign of Pisces will help to soften the edges and smooth out any challenges in your relationships.
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