3 times a year Mercury goes Rx and this is a good thing. Here’s why... It’s like the universe telling us to slow down and RETHINK your life direction before charging ahead. This is key as it will keep you in alignment with your truth & soul intent.

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Justine Timms2018
Rebecca On The Dr. Oz Show: Your Personal Health Horoscope

It was such an honor to return to the Dr.Oz show for the 3rd time talking about the connection between your physical health and your zodiac sign. I explain that all of the signs exist within each of us no matter what your 'sun sign' is. When a part of our body feels out of balance, we can look to the qualities of that sign to see what area of our life needs to be addressed. And also, you can take preventive health measures by simply strengthening the areas of your body related to certain signs in your astrological chart.

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