Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Lilith in the Birth Chart


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In Hebraic texts Lilith was the first wife of Adam. Lilith was created from the earth just as Adam was, and due to them both being birthed from the same salt she insisted that she was his equal. When Adam demanded Lilith submit to him, she recited the Creator's secret name and was able to exit the Garden of Eden.

Lilith owned her power and exited the Creator's domain as a rebel with her dignity intact. But, her punishment was steep. Each day, she would lose 100 children until she chose to submit to Adam’s patriarchal demands. Lilith chose to remain in a cave along the Red Sea, living amongst consorts wild and free to express her own true path.

Lilith was represented as the femme fatale, provocative, and a sexually liberated being. Her story was removed from religious texts because religious leaders did not want her story of rebellion known to women.

Black Moon Lilith in the Birth Chart

The Black Moon Lilith represents the part of ourselves in which we have to raise our voices, stand our ground involving boundaries, and the resentment we all carry if these matters are not recognized. 

In men and women Lilith represents our primal and instinctive feminine natures. In a man’s chart, Lilith represents the woman he desires and yet fears. In a woman's chart she represents unspoken feminine rage and the area in which we can let out our resentment. Lilith in a woman’s chart awakens courage, sovereignty, and sexual liberation.

When the Black Moon Lilith transits in a particular sign, it raises themes highlighting areas in which that sign would be rebelling or speaking up about a matter in question for the collective. While it transits over a natal house it would involve the areas in which we hold unresolved anger or question within that time of year.

Black Moon Lilith in Transits

  • Black Moon Lilith stays in a sign for 9 months.

Lilith in Leo This Year

For the next 9 months we will likely connect more with our hearts and claim our desires. In the Leo fashion we are likely to roar loud and proud about what it is we would wish to accomplish or have accomplished. The more aligned you are passionately, the stronger the impact.

Since Leo rules love, love will be the main focus and many will wish to attract a pure and true love. So, it can be a die-hard romantic year for so many of us that are not in a relationship. For those that are in a relationship or marriage, there is a strong chance that there will be dramatic scenes or the fires of their love will be growing. This year appears to be quite dramatic and many will hold a high expectation in wanting to attract a storybook romance.

In the matters of creative expression many will be drawn to using their bodies as the means of shaking off the excess energy stored inside. In terms of creative endeavors so many will take a turn when it comes to their original thought and transmute it to a form of brilliance.

Children and their needs will be highlighted this year, and there is a chance that the school system will undergo review and change. This pertains to all ages, so it can be in relation to justice involving financial aid or collective funds that are to be applied for schools that need diverse forms of classes.

Lilith in Leo Transit Dates

  • Enters January 8th 2023

  • Exits October 3rd 2023

Lilith Through the Houses

Lilith in the 1st house: Independence, true and wild, owning your power, being misunderstood led to secret rebellion, power struggles, and feeling unloved as a child, body dysmorphia embracing the shadow side of self leads to liberation and light. 

Lilith in the 2nd house: Working on self-worth, building something of your own, driven to work towards financial freedom, possessions are important to you (even relationships), and surrounding yourself with beautiful luxuries will make you feel secure.  

Lilith in the 3rd house: Rebellious thinking, confrontation with siblings/close relatives, may have struggled with speaking, intense thoughts, highly sensitive/intuitive, seductive speaker, convincing, learning to express oneself freely for good will heal your voice  

Lilith in the 4th house: Home environment probably didn’t feel safe to you, not nurtured, on the quest to build up emotional security, fear or resistant in having a family, they may settle down later in life, one of the parents embodied Lilith’s traits, parents endured many trials, pain passed down to you, healing the matriarchal family line will build new paths to fulfillment.

Lilith in the 5th house: Feeling denied joyful experiences at a young age, may feel heaviness by feeling the need to be adored, withheld from creative opportunity, fear of rejection, leading to love with partners that are misaligned, create the path to love yourself and relive your childhood by indulging in all that was denied. 

Lilith in the 6th house: Feelings of inadequacy involving work, overly detailed at work leads to missing the mark, overly giving, imposter syndrome, can be rebellious and not follow the rules, can attract negative scenarios with coworkers, if not Lilith like, coworkers embody her traits, thriving energy if given the free reign to run an establishment.

Lilith in the 7th house: This can be a difficult placement, as Lilith desires to be in a relationship but may fear marriage, a chance that they witnessed a hostile domestic environment growing up (parents), may attract destructive relationships, openly communicating needs and boundaries in the relationship will lead to more positive outcomes. 

Lilith in the 8th house: Can easily see the darker depths of life, power lies with your seduction, connecting intimately may be a problem area, only physical intimacy blocks true pleasure, energetic connection with intimate partners builds trust and joy, resilient to the trials of life, near death experience, or deep exploration of the psyche and the occult, building self-awareness heals. 

Lilith in the 9th house: Belief systems and organized religions you may rebel or refuse to shift views, problematic if it doesn’t serve you. May be very persuasive by writing or any form of publication. Strong presence and potential in creating an impact with the world. 

Lilith in the 10th house: Powerful in the workplace. Does not have any tolerance with authority figures. Has to take ownership with their authority, but practicing compassion for those who work for you will help you remain level headed. Can reach great heights in success. 

Lilith in the 11th house: May be a rebel in the group or may trigger friends unknowingly, that can lead to alienation. Learning the process of collaboration may be difficult, but it is important to be yourself in order to attract those who measure up to your values. You can make an impact with these soulmates. 

Lilith in the 12th house: The shadow self can be felt strongly with this position leading to you not digging deeper as to what is holding you back in life. A powerful conduit of tapping into the mysteries of life, so long as you remember that you are safe and you can surrender. This path may be difficult as you feel that when you connect with the higher realms there is a price to pay (Lilith’s origins). Shifting your frequency will open up pathways towards healing your soul and your heart.