Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Harper's Bazaar: How to Embrace the Magic of the Upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses

My Harper’s Bazaar feature ‘How to Embrace the Magic of the Upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses’ :

We are deep in Eclipse Season which means that your life is likely about to go through a transformation over the next month. What to do? Trust this new path that is emerging for you and live courageously. It may be a new career path, a relationship, a move, or most anything that will question your sense of security and comfort. Eclipses are here to help you get out of any ruts and live a life that reflects the true ‘you’. These eclipses on December 26th and January 10th will expedite your evolution and set you on a brand new path for 2020.

The Solar Eclipse of December 26 is in Capricorn and marks the beginning of a brand new cycle in your life. Pay close attention to the events that surround this time as it will trail-blaze a new path for you.

The Lunar Eclipse of January 10 will mark a necessary end to a cycle and culmination in your life. This will be where you will need to let go as something in your life has run its course.

Read below to find out how these eclipses will impact you, and do not forget to read for your Sun sign and Ascendant.


Solar: Reach for the stars this year in your career path – there is no limit to your potential and innovation.

Lunar: Trust that matters of home and family will need to change and evolve. Let go of the current state so that you can all be elevated.


Solar : Media, publishing and broadcasting will have your name on it this year. As Uranus in Taurus sends a ray to the Eclipse, you will have the power to re-invent and create ground-breaking work this year

Lunar: You will need to finalize contracts this December, though also recognize old ways of communicating that will not work for you anymore as you enter this new year of worldly opportunity.


Solar: A new financial outlook is due. Perhaps there was some inherited story you had about money and work, though this year is the time to flip that script and embrace a new opportunity to fully receive.

Lunar: Release your old sense of security so you can make room for a richer quality of life and sense of financial abundance. Create space and release fear.


Solar: Partnership will be the central theme of your life this year and this will be either in business or love. It looks like you both have similar values and mission so trust this path.

Lunar: You are changing and as the Lunar Eclipse lights up Cancer, you will be asked to shed a skin and let go of a part of yourself that was afraid and holding you back. Now you must act with courage.


Solar: This will be your year to embrace a new healthy routine and lifestyle. For such a creative person like yourself, the gaze will be more inwards this year as you will be creating healthy regiments that will sustain you for life.

Lunar: You will be letting go of your old script and storyline this year. A spiritual practice will help you to release old thoughts and emotions as you find more silence and peace within your inner life.


Solar: The Solar Eclipse will light up your sector of true love meaning this is your year to trust the heart and Jupiter’s presence will give you that rare luck and opportunity in love. Creative endeavors that involve media and foreign relations will also shine bright.

Lunar: It is time to choose your tribe and this will also mean eliminating social activities that are not in alignment with you anymore. Make space so you can invite in more meaningful relations.


Solar: Your sector of home and real estate will open with stellar opportunity this year with Jupiter’s visit alongside the Eclipse. It’s your time to land your dream home or invest.

Lunar: Time to recognize how far you have come in your career path and now let go of all that is no longer in alignment. You are ready to step up and into your more authentic path.


Solar: This is your year for making those key connections and partnerships in your industry and life. It’s time to reach out and share your talents with others. Writing and composing will hold great promise this year.

Lunar: You are on the cusp of recognition, though at this point it will be key to refine your message and discard that which is not in alignment of who you are at this moment in time.


Solar: As you gain confidence in your talents and skills, so will your income increase. It’s time to break through that glass ceiling as Jupiter’s rare visit to your money sector will show a golden path of opportunity and a new way of working.

Lunar: You will also be able to let go of any limiting beliefs about your worth and financial capabilities. Investments and equity opportunities will especially shine for you.


Solar: This powerful Solar Eclipse will light up Capricorn along with lucky Jupiter making you the zodiac favorite this year. It is your year to dream big and take decisive action. Your actions will multiply. Just use discernment as there will be no lack of opportunity.

Lunar: A significant relationship will come to a point of decision of make or break, though luckily communication will be easy either way. You will need to face this head on and be clear with intention.


Solar: 2020 will be your ultimate reset year of body, mind and spirit. First the Solar Eclipse will ask you to carve out space to tend to yourself and spiritual practice. This will be a year to soak up all the rest and revitalization you will need for you to thrive this year.

Lunar: This eclipse will fall in your sector of physical health showing that there is likely a habit that you are ready to kick to the curb and luckily the power of this eclipse will help you to do that just that on Jan. 10 and never go back.


Solar: Collaborations will be your key to success this year. It will be essential for you to crystalize your vision, believe in it, and then join forces with others to bring it all into reality. Think big as you will find the support you need

Lunar: It will also be time to let go of an old creative endeavor that simply does not bring you joy anymore. Releasing this will free up the space you need to bring this new business idea fully into being.