New Moon at 9° Aquarius + Pluto in Aquarius
new MOON AT 9° aquarius
Wednesday, January 29 – 7:35am
Scroll down to read for your Sun & Rising Sign
Today is a big day. It is the first of 20 new moons in Aquarius which will ride alongside Pluto in Aquarius. These 20 New Moons will roll out once a year for the next 20 years and set the baseline of culture - a culture that will be interconnected by something much deeper than the internet.
These next 20 new moons mark a distinct shift from our last 20 years previously powered by Capricorn. You could say Aquarius is the new power source and the old Capricorn battery has run out. We are nearing the end of extracting from earth and humanity needs to release the grip so a new guard can show the way.
Perhaps we are in between two worlds right now, a liminal space, as Aquarius gets its bearings. It will take time for all of the colors to open and this is our co-creative work with time.
The Capricorn story arc began with innocent opportunities for growth and sporty goal-smashing and ended up with lopsided amassed wealth at the top of the mountain circa 2008-2024. That all happened while humans raced up the mountain to moving goal posts. What was it for? People were left parched, tired and in need of deep nourishment. Also it rose the questions: is humanity just supposed suffer and work hard 40-70 hours a week? Is this really what we are put on earth for? Is that all there is? Pass go and pick up your achievements, join the pageantry. We all know that old playbook. Though what is next next for humanity?
Humans worked harder and harder until a unique virus (that only affected humans) put everyone in one unified standstill to cap off the Pluto in Capricorn saga with a big crescendo of Capricorn planets. There was this brief intermission to the race while many began to question where they were going and why. Perhaps the rare camaraderie in crisis in that moment was somewhat of a harbinger of what is to come. It was a flash into the myriad of ways we will be even more interconnected for Pluto in Aquarius years.
Perhaps it’s always best to follow suit when working with astrology. In other words, be like the water bearer (Aquarius) and nourish the ground with your ideas for a new earth. It will grow a garden of the collective imagination - our collective imagination. Plant seeds of the world you wish to live in. Perhaps there is no room for defeatism and we must be visionary creators.
Aquarius asks you to discuss these visions with your community and connect on a shared vision. This is where the collective imagination impregnates consciousness and if we are all too addicted to a defeatist story, a new world will never be built.
Anytime there is a great change coming, we often experience a sudden swing backwards just before. We are literally between worlds as 5 planets move from the end of one sign to the beginning of another this year.
All things must begin in the spirit world. Aquarius wants you to vision a collective ideal and discuss, imagine, new systems of governance, livelihood, and cultural values, love, and circular economies.
We have to be willing not to want something in return. Aquarius is a sign of reciprocity.
What if this moment in time is also a renaissance. The confluence of spirit, science, and ancient wisdom occurred last time Pluto in Aquarius met with Uranus in Gemini (and it occurs again in July 2025)
Pay special attention to your musings, your surroundings, and mainly your most daring intimations of the world we are now building. 20 years of Pluto in Capricorn new moons said: grow, build, scale and get rich. Aquarius says why? You have extracted our earth and we must create more equitable and sustainable systems.
Todays New Moon is extra special, as all endeavors you begin this week receive a helping hand from lucky Jupiter. Go for it, especially as March is full of retrogrades. This is your time to start fresh.
Aries - Collaboration will be key, unite on a shared vision and move mountains.
Taurus - New career initiatives bring change
Gemini - Travel, broadcast, and share your wisdom.
Cancer - Invest in the future you desire for yourself and your community
Leo - A new paradigm of relationships begins
Virgo - A new project ask you to change the music of your life.
Libra - Your creative power will move mountains. Love will surround you.
Scorpio - Commit to new foundations, contracts of home and family.
Sagittarius - Begin your new book, or share your wisdom. A new contract begins.
Capricorn - Garner your skills, turn it into business or learn how you may expand.
Aquarius - Your personal rebirth. Make your first mark and set the patterns for your year.
Pisces - Perhaps this is a wake-up call. You are asked to pause and change your narrative.