Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon in Aquarius



This is the first GOOD new moon of the year. The planet of luck (Jupiter ) and action planet, Mars both align to kick this New Moon out of the park. It will set your intentions ablaze. With the likes of Jupiter and Mars propelling your forward, you must be courageous and simply go for it.

Aries - open up to meeting new people as the pal you meet now will reflect who you are becoming. Accept this friendship.

Taurus- Help from behind the scenes will assist a lucrative business opportunity. Break through that ceiling into sky.

Gemini - When you follow your passion, not only will you expand your mind with a new skill, though you will also meet fast friends.

Cancer - When you invest in yourself and your future, the return will be abundant. Take the risk.

Leo - A new relationship is on your horizon and one that opens up your consciousness and community. Committed? You will grow leaps and strides with your partner.

Virgo - A new healthy routine is called for in order to accomplish the goals you have. Invest in a trainer, accountability or a meal plan to get the ball rolling.

Libra - You are ready to open your heart to true love. A romantic getaway may be in the cards and your passions will soar.

Scorpio - Seems like you are in the right place and time to invest in a new real estate or renovation opportunity.

Sagittarius - This new partnership contract or agreement will open new realms of your creativity and is supremely supported.

Capricorn - An increase in your income will have immediate implications on your quality of life. Take time to create the space for new habits and patterns.

Aquarius- You are fully in the drivers seat of life right now and all roads are open. Meetings and creative explorations will be blessed with the Luck of Jupiter.

Pisces - Your body and soul will enter a deep restoration whether meditative, dance, nature walks. or a spa weekend away. Take time to rejuvenate your spirit.