Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
The Lunar Eclipse tomorrow will bookend the last 18 years of your life. Think back to 2005. What were the monumental changes that happened in your life? How did you respond?
There will be a theme that threads through from that year, though of course you have a lot more wisdom under your belt now and you can react with your newfound awareness. This Eclipse is about clean breaks and endings that are somewhat non-negotiable.
I remember clearly, this was the year I gave my first live astrology presentation and it was at an art gallery in NYC called CosM which some of you may remember. Alex Grey had invited me to give a presentation on the Eclipse and the room was packed with over 70 people including press in the front row. I was so scared to speak in public and looking back, that event was so important in the growing of my full time astrology practice. Walking down the stairs of the old Chelsea building mortified immediately after my talk, I heard Alex and other voices tell me not to leave because there would be a party after. So I nervously stayed for the party, and also to my surprise - the calendar got booked with readings and events for the next few months. This is the power of an Eclipse. Very soon after, I quit my day job and here we are.
This Eclipse will ride in with a deep feeling that you need to break with something you had been doing in your past. It will almost seem illogical as the brain would say "why would you leave something that has been supporting you till now". The Eclipse is in Scorpio which underscores the pure primal instinct and this you will need to trust even though many would say it makes no sense. The truth is that as you continually make compromises to please everyone else, then you will end up living a very compromised life. Trust that instinct right now as a Scorpio Eclipse puts us in contact with that direct knowing.
Expect a profound shift and evolution to occur in your life surrounding this Eclipse as it will oppose Uranus (planet of revolution). There is no turning back and almost a physical inability to go back to the way things were.
This Eclipse also punctuates the 7 year Uranus in Taurus transit which is here to reconnect us to the wisdom of the earth and the wisdom of our bodies on a deep kinesthetic level.
It is important to remember during eclipse season that we are not totally in charge - evolution is. This is the time when the universe makes corrections, compressing time to realign our bodies to where our souls need to be. This can be rough or it can feel like a rollercoaster. The point is to get you to your new checkpoint and to meet the new iteration of yourself. Welcome it in. "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage" and it is key to live most courageously right now.
Read for Your Sun & Rising Sign
Find out where it will manifest for you:
Aries - The way in which you began your career, earned income and developed self-worth 18 years ago may no longer apply. Give yourself the freedom to release that story and evolve.
Taurus -You have changed significantly over the last couple years and there are compromises you are no longer willing to make in relationships. Allow the currents to take you and trust this process.
Gemini - Now you are ready to make a big change in the way you treat your body as this Eclipse fires up the wiring between your body and mind. Break a longtime pattern now, and you will never go back.
Cancer - You will need to commit to who / what you truly love, even if it will not please all who surround you. Also feel the freedom to let the projects / people go who are not in alignment any longer. A newfound sense of liberation will follow.
Leo - You have grown so much professionally over the last 3 years with Uranus and Eclipses making expedited evolution in your career and status sector. There is a familial root system you have grown far away from and you will need to weave worlds to reconnect.
Virgo - Your beliefs about yourself and the world have changed radically over the last couple years. Now an Eclipse ignites up your communications sector, asking you to take a stand for your mission and declare what you stand for. Important conversations must be had.
Libra - After raising the roof radically in your financial / trust sphere in the last couple years and shedding fears, you are now faced with a brand new risk / key decision to make. Look at your track record and release the previous security as something greater is waiting in the wings.
Scorpio - It's true, you are the one that is changing the most right now. Relationships have been a whirlwind these last couple years, so now you must redefine partnership for yourself and set new boundaries for future healthy relationships.
Sagittarius - Your body and mind are changing significantly now as you are releasing the old lineage programming about control and even inherited fears and phobias. This would be an ideal time for hypnosis, EFT, or any somatic therapy.
Capricorn - Saying goodbye is not easy, though there are groups or individuals that appear to be holding you to old standards. It is time to free yourself from the cage of expectation as you proclaim who you are *now* and invite them to join.
Aquarius - Your public role whether lawyer, mother, shaman, artist or the many hats you may wear - it is up for review. Time to strip down and remove the layers to see what is now ready to expire as you step into a brand new role.
Pisces - There comes a time when you need to graduate although a part of you will always remain an eternal student. It is time to share your message, broadcast, publish and value the wisdom you have which comes from living life fully. It is time to disseminate this wisdom.