Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon In Gemini


Words create worlds. As a New Moon in Gemini begins this week, consider how the structure of your sentences and the words you speak each day ultimately spell out the reality you live. This is a time for you to be most intentional with language as the words you speak this week will set patterns which will reverberate in your life. To speak and spell a word is to cast a spell.

Since this New Moon is not entangled with other planets in the solar system, it speaks about the purity and power of the word (Gemini). The words you speak over days, weeks and months culminate into a culture which you find yourself in. If you do not like where you find yourself, consider changing your language first. When you alter your language, so does your culture start to shift and you soon then find yourself in a new sort of culture that vibrates in accord with your new language. Speak the words that create your universe.

Happy New Moon in Gemini. 

Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon is also in retrograde showing a course correct each of us will be making.