Start Your Cleanse on the Waning Moon
Right now, the Moon is in Scorpio and waning after a Full Moon in Virgo. Scorpio is also a sign of detoxification and purification. Three days after a Full Moon is the ideal time to begin a cleanse and have the most success and especially following a Full Moon in Virgo.
You may decide to go on a
media cleanse
juice cleanse
begin Yoga
detox masks
indulge in a salt bath
body scrub
loads of hydration to flush the body
hot water with lemon first thing in the morning
mental / spiritual cleanse
social cleanse without guilt
or perhaps a spring cleaning the closet
Between now and the next New Moon, which is April 1st, you will be successful at cleansing one area of your life. Choose wisely. Look to your Sun and Rising sign to see the area in your life most in need of a cleanse.
Read for your Sun and Rising sign to see where your cleanse will be the most effective between now and April 1.
Aries - nutrition, cleaning
Taurus - entertainment, love
Gemini - family relations
Cancer - media
Leo - spending
Virgo - lifestyle
Libra - subconscious patterns
Scorpio - friends
Sagittarius - career goals
Capricorn - beliefs
Aquarius - financials
Pisces - partnership