Full Moon in Libra


Ok this one is intense and you’ve likely been feeling it all week as you’re in the ‘full moon glow’ 5 days before and after the lunation. The Moon reaches its peak of fullness at exactly 2:48: PM EST at 8 degrees of libra. 

 THE FLAVOR > RELATIONSHIPS A bright light shines on your relationships and there’s a call to balance out and re-establish the roles played here. This means your relationship to self (boundaries and keeping those valuable commitments to self - aka self worth). Also your relationship to another (what you ‘endure’ versus deem ‘unacceptable’). The best thing about using the word ‘no’ is that it creates space where then new realities will build. This takes courage and Venus in Aries will support you here. 

 Chiron (the wound) meets Venus (women) at 8 Aries exactly opposing this full moon and this has been building all week. Perhaps you noticed an imbalance in your relationship and where you did not uphold your primary relationship to self. See what can no longer persist.

RIGHTS Women have fought for equal rights + equal pay for decades, though now we are realizing the imbalance is much deeper than this. Women (Venus) have been trying to climb to the top of a world that places no value on them, a world that barely livable and flat out unsustainable if you have any interest in thriving. Venus in Aries meeting Chiron (the wound) signals the need to see the fight as well as its flaws. Also a need to see how the inequalities have woven their way through your personal life and relationships. 

 EQUALITY I feel we need a great deal more than equality here. Women are a different species than men and women bring a wealth of qualities to life - qualities that have not necessarily been valued here on earth in thousands of years. The world will look very different as we start to place more value on these qualities that women bring forth. This means that a new + unknown taste will be developed and we must be the taste makers of the world we wish to live in. 

 VENUS IN ARIES 1) delineate your space. Say no to what you know is unbalanced & unfair even if you have to withstand the pain of pulling out the arrow. 2) Place value on you. Make decisions that put you and your thriving as the centerpiece ‘in the middle of the living room’. Sync up with likeminded community and explore new approaches to living. Venus in Aries encourages you to be the courageous creator.