How to integrate an Astrological Calendar for greater well-being and success
Astrology is the language of energy and a powerful tool we can all have access to. Learn the secrets of cosmic timing to attain better health, relations and multiply your success in the year to come. Rebecca Gordon will share with you the basic tools in syncing your calendar to cosmos and reconnecting your being to the great cosmic clocks above - the planetary and lunar cycles. There are auspicious and challenging times for just about everything we do. Living your life in harmony with the natural cycles is a sure way to live in grace and facilitate more fulfilling opportunities simply by being aligned with the cosmic pulse here on earth. When you are not fighting the planetary pulse, you will witness an increase in your vitality, intuition and personal magnetism.
It IS all about the timing and when you jump on any wave at the right time, you will be primed for a stellar journey and success. In our workshop, we will cover topics such as planning with new moons and full moons, planets in signs, and how to sync with the major planetary aspects. We will also delve into the Jupiter and Saturn cycles to explore the years of greater lessons and luck for each sign. You will leave this workshop with stellar navigational tools, the power of planets behind you, and the wisdom to apply astrology to your everyday life in years to come. Each attendee will receive a copy of my easy-to-read astrological calendar.