Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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New Moon in Capricorn and What it Means for You


I actually love this new moon as it will ask you to think about your larger mission here on our planet. What are you here to do and HOW can you best accomplish this? Think about the people you’d like to work with or the skills that you will need to learn.

Planning and strategizing will come easily with this earthy new moon in Capricorn sending a friendly angle to Uranus, sparking new ideas and creativity. However Venus is retrograde in Capricorn too so a healthy dose of reflection will be essential here.


Aries career ambitions will become actualized after much reflection as you begin a new lucrative & innovative path.

Taurus Tap into a well of support to broadcast or publish your vision. Take the big leap as you have the mentors / guides who believe in you.

Gemini The stories rise and fall. You are still here. Time to rewrite your narrative extricating from the longtime patterns. Free yourself.

Cancer After much reflection, your relationship begins again, though with a different tune. Align over shared values.

Leo The grind has been grueling as Venus traversed your house of work. Now you will start fresh in a healthy routine for your body, mind, and spirit.

Virgo Love has been under question, though you must release the grip on the old ways to give way to this exciting new path now emerging.

Libra After seeing and releasing all that you learned growing up, you choose to put yourself first and invest in the life YOU desire.

Scorpio Change your mind and you will change your life. Time to rework your content, refine your message and smooth out conflicts. Flexibility is key.

Sagittarius Your new business idea will get support, though take the time to rework your strategy to actually fit the life you want to live.

Capricorn After this stoic and reflective chapter, it’s time to let loose and let love in. You will open up to other paradigms and ways of living that light you up.

Aquarius Growth is never gradual, and you are in a cosmic growth spurt. Take January to integrate, spa, meditate, and nurture yourself after much evolution.

Pisces Zoom out to dream big an connect with your highest vision. Then build the relationships to co-create it. You got this.