Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon times always reveal truths, so listen up to what your Full Moon message is right now. You will need to take some time away from the situation in order to see things clearly. Illusions will be realized and truths will rise up as Neptune's fog will lift. This full Moon brings a spirit of play, mystery and lure - all very Neptunian energies this weekend. This also means there is a reality you are needing to see which has been hiding behind the veil. We will all get to see what is behind the curtain in one part of our lives and the area it shows up in will be based on your astrological sign. The Moon joins with dreamy Neptune , Mars and Jupiter in a mutable cross so the signs most heavily affected will be Pisces, Virgo Sagittarius and Gemini. Here's a guide to where each sign will experience this Full Moon. Read for your rising too:


Aries - Old beliefs Will dissolve, realizations emerge

Taurus - Releasing toxic relations, recognizing a true connection

Gemini - Career dreams realized, letting go of an old trajectory

Cancer - Opportunity to share your message, releasing the inner critic

Leo - Opening up to abundance, ditching the old money story

Virgo - Truth revealed about a relationship, letting fate play a hand

Libra - A mystery health issue gets solved, seeing the mental story behind it

Scorpio - Romance and love are highlighted, seeing if the larger vision is in alignment

Sagittarius - Slow down to reconnect to family, there are things you must hear

Capricorn - Meeting key people, clarifying an agreement that was unclear

Aquarius - receiving rewards / wealth, and patching areas where it's slipped through

Pisces - As you shed a layer and commit to more of you, partnerships will transform 

Wish you a beautiful Full Moon!