Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon at 1° Capricorn


Tonight's Full Moon aligns with the Summer Solstice. As the Sun reaches its peak of light, honor the light within to celebrate existence. No matter where things are at in your life, this is a time to express gratitude for the beauty you find. The Spring Equinox in March was a time for new beginnings and now at Solstice, we have begun to see the fruits of the seeds planted back then. Celebrate them and take in the harvest.

The Full Moon in Capricorn this weekend lights up where you will need to release old narratives of working and productivity. Do you really have to comply with something that does not fit? Along with this, you may choose willfully to leave a previous working arrangement or a way of doing things. Now that Pluto has left Capricorn, there is a lot less power in the old order. On this Full Moon, you will be asked to redefine accomplishment and success. The Full Moon squares off to Neptune (the planet of dissolve) asking you to simply let go of previous goals that no longer feel relevant and begin to embody your values versus achieving goals. Celebrate all you have been creating since the New Moon in Capricorn six months ago. Take in the harvest and make adjustments accordingly.

Read more below in my Full Moon Horoscopes to find out where the Full Moon will spotlight for you. This Full Moon points to where you will need to show up with all the bright lights on and face the music. 


Aries - It is the culmination of a long professional chapter. Clear the way for a fresh start.

Taurus - You are ready to graduate and go to the next level in teaching, media, or broadcasting. Mars in Taurus supports you to take the lead now.

Gemini - With bountiful Jupiter supporting you, it’s time to release the glass ceiling of what you thought was possible financially and take the leap.

Cancer - A relationship is due for a check-in to see how you both wish to proceed forward. Perhaps it does not have to be such hard work?

Leo - You will have success ending a long-time health habit this week. Whatever it may me, it’s time to create room for new realities to emerge.

Virgo - Burning up the crops makes room for a fresh harvest. In love, it’s time to clear old stories and make room for new qualities to weave in.

Libra - You seem to take more than needed, especially in the way of home and family responsibilities. It is your time to value yourself and set a new precedent.

Scorpio - Say the things you have never said before and stand up for yourself. Truth makes room for more light to let in.

Sagittarius - What has paid your bills and given you self-worth is up for a refresh. Who are you now? It’s ok to clear the decks and make room.

Capricorn - The spotlight is on you and the soil you have been gardening in relationships. This is the part when you see the harvest and course correct.

Aquarius - There’s well-worn pathways of mental traffic, and there’s roads less followed. This Full Moon blows up the main road, inviting you to a new thought pattern, a new habit, and a new way.

Pisces - The fog will lift as Neptune squares the Full Moon. Just because you have known people forever, does not mean they are good for you. Trust your feeling.