Rebecca Gordon Astrology

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Full Moon in Scorpio 4/29/2018

Time to shadow dance ☸️ This bright Full Moon will illuminate the dark, your shadow self and all that’s been swept under the self. 

The wisdom of Patanjali says that ‘to understand we should stand under’ and go deeper beneath the self. First see where you stand. And now you have an invitation to see what is beneath you.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a lantern you hold to Light your way through this crossroads in life. A re-alignment with your purpose will be necessary as the full moon angles the karmic nodes of the moon asking you to release the story of the past that no longer serves. Let this story recycle to wisdom & Light for your future.

Shine this lantern on the shadows, let them be seen, befriend them, dance with them, and freedom will follow. I love you! Rejoice on this full moon in Scorpio. Wish you a beautiful journey through the moonlight. 

Want to learn advanced techniques in astrology? Check out my new class featured in the My Path Astrology School May 17 2018